The conference bridge is like a meeting room. The conference bridge allows you to conference multiple phones together and manages those calls.



  • 1 Types of Members
  • 2 Conference Member Features
  • 3 Conference Moderator Features

Types of Members

There are many ways to access a conference bridge. The method will be determined by the needs of your particular situation and will be configured for you by Exodec.

Once in a conference there are two types of members:

  • Conference members
  • Conference moderators

Conference Member Features

  • *1 – Mute/Unmute conference
  • *2 – Enable/disable new conference member announcements
  • *3 – Conference members list
  • *7 – Increase volume
  • *9 – Decrease volume
  • 0 – Repeat options
  • # - Quit menu
  • To return to the conference, press #

Conference Moderator Features

  • # - Lists conference options
  • *8xxxx – Invite another extension to the conference, where xxxx is the extension number being invited
  • *30 – kick out all
  • *31 – kick out last joined
  • *21 – Lock conference. This will prevent any additional users from joining
  • *20 – Unlock conference.
  • *11 – Mutes all members
  • *10 – Unmutes all members